Monday, March 9, 2009

Okay, so I forgot maybe one of the best movies EVER and that's "Tombstone". Man, there's a wealth of stuff in that show!

"Are you going to do something, or just stand there and bleed?"
"And so she walked out of our lives forever"
and of course,
"I'm your huckleberry. And that's just my game."

I actually got to see Tombstone over the summer and they still have the pool table where Morgan was shot. Boy, the whole place was a lot smaller than I thought it would be. I don't mean the town so much as the buildings. We ate lunch at one of the gambling halls that they used to frequent. Not the Oriental, but another one. Don't remember the name.

Another great movie I know half the lines to is "Maverick" LOL If you haven't seen that one, check it out. It's written by William Goldman who wrote the movie version of "The Princess Bride" and also "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid". In fact, he credits his father reading him TPB when he was a kid to his whole life path. He discovered good literature and that made him want to read. The intro to TPB explains it all and the intro to the 20th Anniversary edition goes further and explains why he's not allowed to adapt the sequel, "Buttercup's Baby". (Steven King is supposed to do it) Check them out too, they're both worth reading. Goldman can really relay the story to you.

Next Impressions

Okay, so maybe there was one problem with the usability. At first glance, I wasn't sure how to invite Dr. Morgan, so I became a follower and then invited him. This may be the way to do it, but I'm not sure. At any rate, it got the job done.

Customizing: That's a picture of the kids taken about four years ago. The oldest was NOT happy about being dressed up like that. It looks like he's laughing, and he sort of is, but that's because the photographer said something funny. In reality, I think he felt it attacked his masculinity or something. He was NOT pleased. But it was the only costume fit for all three. And besides, who doesn't love Huck Finn? Lord, I hope we didn't scar him in some way.

The list of favorite movies is not in ranking order. These are just movies I've seen over and over and still put in on occasion or that I've seen so often I know every line and inflection of voice (Princess Bride, anyone?). I know there's more, but these came off the top of my head. Oh, yeah, I'd add "Shawshank Redemption" and maybe "Elizabethtown" as well.

Getting Started

Well, that was easy. I guess they have usability down pat.

Normally, I'd never do a blog. This is part of a class assignment, but I reckon I need to write something, so I'll write whatever first pops in my head.

Listening to "There Will Be a Day" by Jeremy Camp as I write. Mercy, is that a powerful song. Made me cry the first 500 times I heard. Especially the lines
"troubled soul don't lose your heart
cause joy and peace He brings
and the beauty that's in store
outweighs the hurt of life's stings
But I hold onto this hope
and the promise that He brings
There will be a day with no more suffering"

his voice there is a perfect complement to the music and lyrics. I really don't think it can be improved.

Moving on: Thesis work is looking like it's coming together. I enjoy some aspects more than others and some parts of the research more than others. Like, I prefer the research into parasite resistence/resilence more than anything. I'm actually modeling the cattle industry, assessing their needs for IT and critiquing some of the available software programs. But one of the things I wanted to critique was how well the programs could be manipulated for things it hadn't been intended for, like breeding for parasite resistence. It looks to be the most interesting aspect.

Critiquing the programs is harder. It's difficult for one person's opinion to...well, not be of value, but to have more than limited value. What's difficult for one person (like math or reading) may be easy for another. Well, it's the same with usability. Different people bring to the table different mindsets and strengths and weaknesses and it's hard to anticipate them all. Then again, it's also like breeding for qualitative traits. Breeding for one good production trait may eliminante another good one (high milk production often equals low growth production or things like that). Making a program "usable" for some may make it less "usable" for others. On the other hand, just about everyone can do something as easy as setting up this blog, so........there you go. Then your trade off is a matter of functionality and use, rather than usability.

Hope that made sense. If not, I need to improve it before I finish that thesis. :D